Nature is no more splendid in her majestic entirety than in her tiniest parcel.
Phycomyces saprophyte fungus
Dead Man's Fingers, Xylaria polymorpha saprobic Fungus
Dead Man's Fingers, older mature stage
Pink Oyster Mushrooms, Pleurotus djamor
Lactarious Indigo Milk Mushroom & Chantrelle
Chicken of the Woods Mushroom, Laetiporus sulphureus
Sulphur Shelf, laetiporus sulphureus
Caterpillar feet
Cactus in Tortola
Sow Thistle Seed Head
Fern Sori - Spore Pouches
Plant cells
Lily Stamen and Pollen
Salt Marsh Caterpillars
Tropical Leaf Anatomy
Poppy Seed Pod
Palm Frond
Leaf Pattern
Fall Leaves, Sassafras
Palm Tree trunk
Train Rust
Boat Paint
Blue Tank with Shadows