Inspiration and support for my artistic endeavors has come from my dear wife, my mother, father, sister, grandmothers, Aunt Luella Claire, nieces and my sweet talented friends. Thank you all. Aspen, oil, Paula Gianino Wild Mushrooms, Watercolor, Elizabeth Littman Glass Tile Inlaid Side Table, Joe Williamson Rainbow Felted soaps, Katherine Littman Prairie, Monoprint, Sherry Williamson Circles, Linoleum Cut Prints, Nancer J Lemoins Wood Ceramic Sculpture, Sherry Williamson Wire, Wood & Paper Mache Sculpture, Sherry Williamson On the Rocks, Sconce, Sherry Williamson Kala Synchronicity, Monoprint, Lemoins & Williamson Eclipse, Monoprint, Sherry Williamson Garden, Monoprint with vintage doilies, Sherry Williamson Missouri, Charcoal etching, Janet Williamson Abstract Trees, Ink, Luella Claire Williamson-Benson 1956 Flowers, Mosaic candy dish, Janet Williamson Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Playing on the Fence, Metal Sculpture, Joe Williamson Monkey Sock Doll, Grandmother Anna Josephine Fuss Williamson Flight Pattern, Gouache, Nancer Lemoins Protect yr Wild and Tender Heart, Gouache, Nancer Lemoins Amanita Mushroom Energy, Gouache, Nancer J Lemoins Bird Shadows, Gouache, Nancer Lemoins 2009 Magnolias, Reduction Print, Nancer J Lemoins Rainbow Comforter, tacked white yarn, Grandmother Pauline Alford Reinhardt Hand Stitched cotton quilt, Grandmother Reinhardt Cotton Comforter, tacked with red yarn, Grandmother Reinhardt Diamond silky God’s eye comforter, tacked with embroidery thread Arizona Sunset, Oil painting, Grandmother Reinhardt (-Deweese) Raggedy Ann and Andy, Grandmother Reinhardt Corduroy Comforter, tacked with pink & yellow yarn, Grandmother Reinhardt Close up, Hand Stitched black and white cotton quilt Floral woolen embroidered tapestry in long stitch, Grandmother Reinhardt Close up, Diamond silk comforter, Grandmother Reinhardt Small cotton corduroy throw, Grandmother Reinhardt Comforter, tacked with yarn, Gods-eye Patchwork, Grandmother R Handmade clothes for Raggedy and Andy, Grandmother Reinhardt