Sewing comforters, quilts and wall hangings can be a most creative and satisfying endeavor. Various threads, fibers and colors are the palette. Dyeing pillow cases, sheets, shirts and fabric gives magical results.

Happy Mushrooms, Fabric Wall Hanging 18x24

Bow Tie King Quilt, Cotton top & back, bamboo batting, 104x110

Mushroom Quilt, Cotton with Hand Embroidery, 42x50

Fabric Forest, 18x20

Raw Silk Yardage, Hand Dyed with Procion Dyes

Eco-Dye, with local plants, Sumac, Onion skins, Rose hips, Native geranium leaves, Madder root, Walnut hulls

Dupioni Silk

Dupioni Silk, Eco-dye

Indigo Shibori Cotton Pillowcase 2

Pillowcase, Eco-Dye with rusty iron bits 2

Pillowcase, Cotton, Marigold, Osage-orange, Indigo

Procion Dye Leggings

Eco-Dye Long Sleeve Tee 1, Madder, Osage-orange, Indigo

Migration Quilt, Cotton with Cotton back and batting, 38x52

Bow Tie Quilt Close up

Bow Tie Quilt, King, made from my Dad’s Bow Ties

Fabric Mushroom

Shibori Resist Indigo Dye, Cotton Yardage

Silk Scarves

Dupioni Silk

Dupioni Silk, Eco-Dye, Madder Root, Iron, Fabric Yardage

Indigo Shibori Cotton Pillowcase 1

Pillowcase, Eco-Dye with rusty iron bits 1

Pillowcase Close up

Procion Dye Long Sleeve Tee 2

Eco-Dye Tee Shirt, Osage-orange (hedge apple) shavings

Dye Soup. Sharon Kilfoyle, Suzy Farren, me and Cathy Wyss


Paintings - Oil, Watercolor, Acrylic


Fiber - Soft Sculptures, Mushrooms, Dolls